On his jacket there was DNA from two people, one of which is Teoh himself and the other is from an unknown male. On Teoh's belt, Police found DNA from three people, only one is from Teoh. This means two other people touched Teoh's belt also.
Police have asked for DNA sample from Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing. Both these people have refused to give their DNA sample.

Kajang councillor Tan Boon Hwa is a contractor and DAP member who is close to Ronnie Liu. Lee Wye Wing is a technician with WSK Services. WSK Services is a crony company of Ronnie Liu which has been given many contracts by Ronnie Liu. The company name WSK Services has already been spoken about in our earlier posting, this company name was found in Teoh Beng Hock's computer disk dan copies of documents. It is one of many companies run by the Chinese underworld which has links to Ronnie Liu.
The MACC and Police officers have given their DNA samples to Forensic but Tan Boon Wah and Lee Wye Wing have refused. Both Tan and Lee have been advised by Gobind Singh Deo and Karpal Singh not to give their DNA sample to the Police.
This means that Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing are the suspected murderers of Teoh Beng Hock. And Karpal Singh and Gobind Singh Deo are helping them cover up the murder. Lim Kit Siang is also helping to cover up the murder and blame it on MACC.
The DNA of strange people found on Teoh's belt and the back of his jacket shows that Teoh was pulled up by his jacket and trousers / belt and pushed out the window.
This means that Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing grabbed Teoh by his jacket and trousers/belt and threw him out the window.
The Police must arrest Tan Boon Hwa and Lee Wye Wing for the murder of Teoh Beng Hock. Ronnie Liu and the DAP is also involved in the death of Teoh Beng Hock. This is a case of Chinese underworld society killing Chinese.